A Book Plethora

I have a problem.  Books, you say?  Well, that's fairly obvious.  But my actual, continual, perpetual problem is reading too many books at one time.





I never used to have this problem, but somewhere I discovered that if I read a small portion of a book, the information stayed with me easier, and it was nice to have the time to ruminate upon what I had read, luxuries that aren't an option if I read only one book at a time and zip through it.  And, of course, the benefit of reading smaller portions of a book more slowly is that one can ......... read even more books!!


Some of the books that I am currently reading:


Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen (just finished)

Rilla of Ingleside - L.M. Montgomery

War and Peace - Leo Tolstoy

New Grub Street - George Gissing

The Fortune of the Rougons - Émile Zola

The History of Napoleon Buonaparte - John Gibson Lockhart

Tales of Men and Ghosts - Edith Wharton

Count Magnus and other Ghost Stories - M.R. James

Something Wicked This Way Comes - Ray Bradbury

The History of the Ancient World - Susan Wise Bauer

Metamorphoses - Ovid

The Sayings of the Desert Fathers


Just looking at the list gives me hives.  I had limited myself to a total of 5 at a time.  What happened?