2nd Annual Classics Club Read-A-Thon



The Classics Club is having their 2nd Annual Read-a-Thon and I've decided to participate ……. or at least do my best.  It begins at 8 a.m. on January 4th, 2014 and ends 24 hours later on January 5th.  What a great way to finish off some of those pesky classics that you weren't able to complete for 2013 and get ready to start a new year!


My guess is that I will be trying to finish War and PeaceTales of Ghosts and Men, and will be trying catch up to the schedules of David Copperfield, and His Excellency, Eugene Rougon.  If a miracle happens and I happen to finish a few of these books before 2013 ends, I will have The History of the Ancient WorldThe Lion The Witch and the WardrobeThe Wizard of Oz and The Great Gatsby to start off the year.


I've never participated in a Read-A-Thon before and I'm really looking forward to it!